My blog is a collection of me rambling on about my home life. I like to share a few photos and recipes and hopefully some crafts as I go along. I am a simple country gal with a wonderful family and lots of great friends.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!!
Merry Christmas every one! We aren't celebrating in our normal way today. Our electric has been off and on for several days. Yesterday it was off almost the entire day so I didn't get any cooking done. Our Christmas dinner consisted of Roast and veggies and good homemade gravy with a homemade chocolate cake.
This is the first homemade chocolate cake with homemade buttercream frosting I have ever made! It was totally simple and so very good! The kids wiped it out in two days!
My baby boy Trevor went to Minnesota over the Christmas break. I must say that I think that kinda put a damper on how I felt. Although I was glad he got to go and see a different part of the United States. I for one do not see me going to Minnesota in my future. Trevor had never snowboarded before and he really enjoyed trying that activity out. Trevor is one who is a natural at any sports he try's. That boy amazes me!
Our Christmas was nice and quiet. I hope everyone had a blessed day!
Monday, December 23, 2013
Ice Storm
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Old family pictures
These are some family pictures of my dad's family. I am so grateful for Sissy N. sharing them with me! I don't have any photos of my dad or his family. I plan on getting copies of them and making a photo book so I will have it.
There are days I sure miss my dad. He told people straight up what he was thinking. I really wish I was more like that. Sometimes I feel as if I let people walk on me because I am trying to censor what comes out of my mouth. I don't like to hurt people's feelings but it seems like they have no issues in hurting mine.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Welcome December!!
My son Blake on his 22nd birthday!
Can you believe it is already December? How many of ya'll are done with Christmas shopping? Not me not even a little close! The more I check my list the longer it grows! Goodness! I told my bonus daughter last night that I may start being like her dad and just forget Christmas comes in December and she said "oh no! please don't do that!" lol I enjoy buying my loved ones gifts. I do agree with Mr. C. that it has became a commercialized holiday. I don't buy much for my boys but darn it I try to get them what they want or need! they always know I am getting them clothes, a hoodie and some ammo. Then the rest is just fun stuff they will use as all boys like flashlights, knives, gun cleaning kits and duct tape and gorilla glue and such that can go in their stockings.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Secret Sis Party
for several years I have been doing the Secret Sis at The Bailey Church. Several years ago Cherrie and I hosted it..well Cherrie did all the work. So last year I volunteered us to be host's again for 2013. I am trying to do all the work myself. Which I don't mind but wow it takes a lot of thought process. Thank goodness for Tammie and the flower shop. I will borrow decorations and such from her. So that will help a lot! I am so excited about it but need to get busy and finish buying my secret sis her gifts!
We are just going to do finger foods this year. I will pick up a meat & cheese tray and a veggie tray as well. I do want to make pinwheels and a dessert. Although each year there is more than enough food.
I need to sit down and get my list going on decorations, tablecloths, my food, and gifts...Oh goodness!!
Well I am going to see if I can find some games to play so I can get them printed out!
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Blake's 22nd Birthday!!
My oldest baby turned 22 years old today. This morning I was semi sad at the thought of him getting older. In a good way of course! I called and wished him a Happy Birthday and then asked him how is it your getting older and I am getting younger? he just laughed at the inside joke. Of course my nephew will tell you I'm only 39 years old.. love that Hunter Joe! Now the truth is I do like being 46 years old. But I don't feel old most of the time.
I am so proud of Blake! He is legally blind and yet if you didn't know it you wouldn't be able to tell. He will never be able to drive a vehicle legally EVER. Although he races his race car without much problems. He also owns several nice trucks along with boy toys such as 4wheelers, Rzrs by Polaris and such.
He is a derrick man on a oilrig and does a great job. Blake has never let his eyesight stop him from living.
For his birthday he wanted Under-Armour thermal pants and Under-Armour hoodie. I asked him how much the leggings was and he said about $80.00. Yikes! I already knew how much the hoodies were because I've bought many of them thru the years for the boys. I told Blake I would get him one or the other but not both items as it was close to Christmas. I swear this boy always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to his birthday.
I went to the Oklahoma City Outlet Mall and went into the Under-Armour store and found a hoodie on sale for 20.00!! Bought his leggings for $35.00! The leggings were on sale 40% off! I so scored on his gifts!! I was extremely pleased with his gifts!
Blake at Galveston Texas
I love this son of mine with all my heart! Happy Birthday William Blake!!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Sam Noble Museum Trip
I went on a trip with the First Baptist Church Marlow Oklahoma to Norman. They were going to the Sam Noble Museum. I am so ashamed to say this but I have never been there before so this was a treat. My Aunt Sandra invited me to tag along with the SALT group from her church. I have been to Washington DC to several of the Smithsonian Museum's.. saying this I will say I greatly enjoyed this museum as much. We had a guided tour which lasted a hour. The guide was very knowledgeable. I do believe she was in her late 70's. I am a hands on person so the Discovery Room was perfect for me! I liked touching the fossils and rocks and such...till I thought about ALL the other people who touched the object as well. Then I got creeped out so I stopped touching stuff and went and washed my hands really good. Nope didn't even touch the furs from the animals..like most of the others.
This is my Aunt Sandra going into the Native Art section of the Museum.
When we finished at the Museum we went and ate at Rudy's. Another first for me and let me tell you this BBQ was the bomb! Of course I am going back really soon I hope!!
Our day was perfect and I am so glad I went with this great group!
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Baron's Hockey Game
My brother Stacy called and he had free tickets to the Baron's hockey game. He had won 4 tickets from a radio station. Kaylee his daughter, Stacy and I went. The game was Friday night. I can't tell you when I had such a good time. I screamed and whooped it up like everyone else! Friday nights is $1.00 hot dogs and $2.00 draft beer night. The parking under the Cox Convention Center was $8.00. A very inexpensive but fun night! The tickets were regular $25.00!
I had never ever been to a hockey game. One of my friends Tracy Bratcher used to go with her mother in law to the games. I now understand the pull of the game. the energy and lights and camera's along with everyone having a great time. Made it a magical night for me!
I can't wait to go back and enjoy another Baron's hockey games. I had a great time and it was nice getting out of the house on a Friday night for a change. Just in case your wondering I asked my boys if they wanted to go and they didn't. They wanted to go to the Bray Doyle football game. I even begged Trevor to go with me but he flat refused. He would have enjoyed the game as much as I did!
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Brook's Wedding
I love this rain we are getting. I know it won't last all day but was glad to wake up to it this morning.
Over the weekend I went to a wedding at a OLD Western town out East of Marlow Ok. It belongs to Orville and Judy Robinson. They have done so much work to it and it is a awesome place for weddings or even family reunions.
This is Brook Sims and she is a doll! Along with her beautiful bridesmaids and flower girl. Sarah Ellsworth is first on left. I just love her to death!!
This is Brook and her dad David getting out of the wagon! How fun is that I ask you?
I went with Kim one of my long time friends. In fact I am considered part of the extended family. I am so appreciative that I was invited to this wedding!
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Am so wishing I was here instead of Marlow Oklahoma! I am thinking I could so live next to the water! It's so very calming and peaceful even when it's about to storm. I never thought of me being a water person but maybe I am deep down inside my soul.
I am amazed at how close these birds were to me. It was almost as if I could reach out and touch them. To bad I didn't bring along some food for them to enjoy while I watched them.
Do you ever look back on your life and wonder how you got to the place your at? I try not to but lately I am trying to embrace my past so I can go forward. I am trying to reach out to old friends and bond with them once again.
My cousin Brenda and I grew up together. It was as if we each had two mothers. Anyone with a close knit family knows what I am talking about. They both treated us as if we belonged to them. My mom was the oldest out of 6 siblings and so she was the one in charge. Until her death believe me she took that role very seriously.
On Friday my cousin Brenda called me and asked if I would stop by her house. Of course I will as I had a totally free day. Let me tell you we got to talking and it was wonderful to catch up with her. In fact after several hours she finally had to run me off so she could get some housework finished.
I have been stopping by my dear friend Kim's house every great know and then and have reconnected with her. We are and will always be best friends. I love her family as if they were mine.
My brother Stacy and I have always been close. I do feel like since mom passed we have clung together more so. He is such a good role model for his children as well as me. I find him teaching me new things all the time. Most importantly how to be a better me as well as a better partner for Mr.C. I still can't believe Stacy has chickens, goats and such! Oh my!! He has a cool blog.
So my question to you is why do we get so caught up in our own worlds that we tend to forget about the friends and family that have always been there for you. For 9 years I have wanted a new friend in Rush Springs that I could hang out with and do things with. When in fact I have Lisa and her mom Sharon right there in Rush Springs. In fact Sharon and Lisa was the first people I called when my mom passed away. Lisa left her job and drove about a hour to be with me. Sharon drove out to mom's house where mom was and stayed with us. Guess what I am saying is that I really need to reconnect and treasure the people who know me and love me for who I am. With out these people in my life who knows where I would be today.
Here I was looking at the end of the boat as we enjoyed being on the water at Kemah Texas.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
foodie Pen Pal October
I love foodie pen pal! I was teamed up with Amy R. We sent a few emails back and forth. We both have a sweet tooth. She hit it spot on with what she sent me. I love sunflowers and I opened them right up as I was looking at my other items Amy also sent me brownie bars from Clif and some mint chocolate cookies. I love mint in everything always have and always will! I took the cookies into my bedroom as sharing them with the family just isn't going to happen! That evening I ate 2 of the cookies. I am not on any kind of diet but have been trying to watch what I eat as well as eating healthier.
Amy R. Thanks again for the goodies! This month we exchanged with each other. So I sent to Amy as well.
Here’s a detailed explanation of the program:
-On the 5th of the month, you will receive your pen pal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your pen pal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your pen pal!
-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
-You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you can choose to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month.
- Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian residents & European residents. Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. We’ve determined things might get too slow and backed up if we’re trying to send foods through customs across the border from US to Canada and vice versa. So, I’m going to keep two separate lists and match US w/ US and Canada w/ Canada!
***If you’re in Europe, please contact Carol Anne from This Is Rock Salt at rocksalt@thisisrocksalt.com to get involved!
check it out if this sounds like something you would like to do and follow up on!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
My first homemade cake!
I decided to make my first ever homemade cake. I was like I can do this recipe and I had everything on hand to create the cake. It turned out so very good and the bonus kids loved it! I was surprised but they ate the double layer cake in less than 12 hours! SCORE!! I got this recipe from ALLrecipes.com
Simple White Cake
You will need:
1 cup white sugar 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 cup butter 1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs 1/2 cup milk
2 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9x9 inch pan or line a muffin pan
with paper liners.
In a medium bowl, cream together the sugar and butter. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Combine flour and baking powder, ass to the creamed mixture and mix well. Finally stir in the milk until batter is smooth. Pour or spoon batter into the prepared pan.
Bake for 30 to 40 minutes in the preheated oven. For cupcakes, bake 20 to 25 minutes. Cake is done when it springs back to the touch.
How super easy was this to make? Let me tell you if your scared of making a homemade cake this is the recipe to try. It's a no fail recipe!!
Life is good and I often surprise my self! Now what should I make that is homemade? how about some shooters with liquor in them?? yummy!!
Monday, October 28, 2013
Chicken Farming at my brother's house
This is my brother's blog about his chicken farm. I'm really enjoying reading and seeing his photo's of his animals and such.
When I get to his house I try to walk down to his farm area to see all of his animal. They have accomplished so much in what seems like a short time to me.
I forget that we were raised on farms.. Guess that part of my past I just don't want to remember. One memory I have is going to church with my cousin Brenda the youth director Keith Flannigan was also a veterinarian. I remember leaving church with him and several other youths and going out to Grandpa BR's to help birth calves. That is a good memory. Both of my grandpa's had farms and raised cattle and hay and such.
So I guess I really am a farm girl and just didn't want to admit it. Hell all this time I thought I was a princess...At least Mr. C tells me I am his princess.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Fall is here!
I so love the cooler weather. I so need and want to put out some fall decorations. all I have to do is walk out to the shop and find the fall decoration tubs and get busy. I was off Monday and Tuesday and didn't even think about being productive. Then last night I was looking at some blogs where they were decorating for fall. So that got my mind racing and all the neat possibilities I could do with what I already have plus if I only bought a few new things then I could have a AWESOME fall centerpiece. Brody asked me last night if the fall air freshener was the only decoration I had. you know the one I am talking about..the .99 cent one that twist up and use in bathrooms or etc.. Yes it's the only thing I have out right now is what I told him. I didn't realize he paid attention to me decorating the house. I usually only do Halloween, fall and Christmas.
I made Oven Baked Taco's Monday night. They were super good and super easy. I got the recipe off of facebook. Although I added my own twist to it.
It is something I will make again!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Family Reunion
Today Aaron and I went to Ardmore Oklahoma for The Grigsby Annual Family Reunion.
We get there just in time to eat lunch with everyone. Grandma Diane didn't make it in and that was disappointing to me and Aaron. My brother in law Eddie showed up with his children Aiden and Mallory right after we got there. I guess I should say Ex brother in law since my husband Mark passed away. Mr. C. doesn't really like me to attend Grigsby functions but that is part of my son's heritage. I want them to know these relatives and embrace them as family should.
I tend to visit with the ones I know. I keep saying next year I will go around and talk. Then I get to Aunt Mary's and go into a shy person. I have got to get over that and be the confident person I can be. When Mark was alive we just didn't visit or be around these family members very much. So now I have to do this on my own for my sons.
If you noticed Blake and Trevor didn't attend. Blake had to work as he normally has to on this weekend. Trevor was with his cousin Alison having a good time at a event at Redbud Park here in Marlow Oklahoma. Missed both of my boys very much. Many thanks to Aaron going with me!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Just another day
Hello! I just wanted to stop in and tell everyone hello and thanks for following me! I always think I will write something funny and wise and yet it never seems to come out like I have wrote it in my head. I love to read blogs that seamlessly flow with character and descriptions. I so hope that one of these days I learn how to be a better blogger.
This is my baby boy practicing golf shots one lazy Sunday afternoon. We had a great time. I even tried to hit a few balls and let me tell you it isn't easy at all. Trevor will never be a Tiger Woods nor do I want him to be! But as long as he is enjoying it I will support him 100 percent! We are at Lake Taylor in Grady county in Oklahoma. It's a beautiful small lake not to far from our house.
Today I am at flower shop and it's misting and kinda gloomy! The perfect fall weather. If I was home I would be curled up on the couch with a cup of hot tea and a good book to read. Since I am here I plan on getting some arrangements ready to take to the cemetery's. I love being creative!
Have a great day everyone!
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Football Candy bouquet
I made this football candy bouquet the other day! I enjoy making them and everyone loves to get a candy bouquet. They are super easy to make and make great gifts.
Usually if I make one of these for my boys I like to use snacks in bags like peanuts, chips, big candy bars or even the boxes of candy.
Items that I use to make candy bouquets include:
hot glue gun
glue sticks
floral wire
cutter of some kind for the floral wire.
If you need more details just email me at Kraftykarenj@gmail.com
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Good morning Saturday!
I got up early and got ready for this cool windy morning. I went to bank and drove over to Lawton to pay some bills. Then went to Big lots. I like to buy Green Giant corn here for .80 cents! Thats such a bargin compared to our small grocery store. It's nearly 1pm and I am going to Atlantic Bread to have some lunch. I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Heart Scan
At the fair my brother signed him snd I up for a advanced heart scan. He wants it because both of our parents died from heart issues. So we drove to Oklahoma City to take test. Didn't realize it was like a time share thing where they try to upsell you on a total body scanfor wsy more money...as in $6900.00 over a course of several years. We said no thanks. After 45 minute presentation we finally got the heart scan. Should know results in 7 days. Yes I am scared of knowing but hopefully it will help me be motivated to get in better health.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Decluttering craftroom!
I have let my craftroom become a dumping ground for everything! So last night I worked on it for 2 long hot hours. Ended up with eight boxes to take to goodwill!! Was extremely pleased with what I got accomplished. Is the room clean? Nope but looks so much better than it has in a long time.
Around lunch Aaron came home and needed to go to Wal~Mart in Chickasha, Ok. for supplies for a school project. He is a senior this year. You would never believe what he picked up to do his project! LEGO'S yep he is making a steam engine with legos. I hadn't bought legos in years. Brought back some bittersweet memories of the boys when they were young!
Trevor hates school at Rush Springs, Okla. Hopefully he can get back into Bray schools this week. I was so afraid of this happening but still did what he wanted.
Tonight plan on cleaning out my closet! It so needs some decluttering. Would love to get rid of clothes and miscellanous items.
Trevor has football game tonight so I have plenty of time before his game starts. Guess I had better get off here...later
Monday, September 23, 2013
Failed recipe
I tried a new recipe that I got off of a boneless pork chop package. I must admit it tasted alright but it's not something I would cook again. We would rather have regular ole fried pork chops.
The recipe I tried was Autumn Apple Chops
Autumn Apple Chops
4 pork chops, 3/4-inch thick
1 Tbsp. Flour ( I used about 3 Tbsp's)
2 tsp butter
1/2 onion, sliced
1cup apple juice
Season flour with salt and pepper; lightly flour pork chops and brown on one sidein butter in non stick skillet over medium heat. Turn chops;stir in onion and apple juice; bring to a boil, lower heat, cover and simmer for 7-8 minutes until internal temperature on a thermometer reads 145f, followed by a 3 minute rest time. Serves 4.
I just didn't like it much at all. I don't cook a lot of pork chops at home, so this was a experiment that went ok. Was just missing the WOW factor.
We all know some recipes we try are so very yummy and others not so much. At least I was trying to be creative in the kitchen! I am going to try another recipe called Cowboy Cornbread. I had some at work and it was very good and seemed easy to make.
Well friends I am going to close for now! Have a awesome fun filled day!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Oklahoma State Fair
I left my house around 7am and headed toward Ok City to pick up my brother Stacy and niece Kaylee. We are headed toward the Ok State Fair. First stop to pick up our tickets. The lady tried short changing me she gave back $2.00 instead of $11.00. The tickets were $9.00. I caught it and it was as if I pissed her off..Really? I shake that off because that's not how I want to start my day off at the fair!
We get into the fair and Kaylee is hungry! Yea I am smelling yummy scents of food. Kaylee gets a pulled pork sandwich it looks good. I choose a hot dog that tasted sooo good. Chatting with strangers we all polled and said the food was the main reason to come to the fair!
Kaylee and me!
Stacy and Kaylee
We walked thru several buildings. My favorite was the one that showcased Oklahoma food. Especially the wine section. I tasted many flavors and bought a bottle of Peachy P fromthe StableRidge Winery located at Stroud Oklahoma. I am a white wine kind of gal with lots of sweetness. This wine was awesome!
So at another wine both I found this Icy wine. I tried the Tropical Delight and it was sweet and icy..They make al product that you had a bottle of wine and 5 cups of water and put in a freezer container and 6 hours later you have icy wine. I bought several bottles of this. As I want to send a bottle to Denine over at The Bicycle Chef. Am thinking her and Liz will enjoy this as much as I am going to! I also want to send her something else Oklahoma made. We got to know each other thru a foodie pen pal swap we did. She was the first one I had ever sent to and thought it had to be healthy food. Not realizing I could send Okla productswhich she would have enjoyed. We have remained in touch by emails as well as snail mail.
Back to the fair...found several samples and goodies to take home. Some favorites was keychains, tote bags (I'm a bag lady) love bags of all kinds! Yes I do use them daily! OG&E gave away tree's ready to plant!
Stacy signed up for a heart scan. It's only $27.00 and with both our parents having congested heart disease he wanted to do this for peace of mind. NOT ME!! I'm not ready to know any issues concernig my heart. Do you see the Ostrich with its head in the sand? That would be me!
We are tired from walking and looking so we head to the car..Oh my goodness it's up a hill and along ways off. My hip is killing me and then I think if only I dropped alot of weight and got in shape outings like this would be so much easier on me!
Overall the day at the fair was a success! Miss Kaylee who is 11 years old was asleep before we got out of the parking lot!
Friday, September 20, 2013
In a funk
For several weeks now I have been in a funk. Haven't done any crafts, wrote pen pal letters, or much of anything else. I have kept house cleaned and cooked meals...does that count for something? So yesterday I worked in a journal for a private swap on swap bot and spent quality time with Aaron and Trevor. Today I go to flower shop for 6 hours. Tomorrow I plan on going to Farmers Market in Chickasha Oklahoma. This is last weekend for Ok state fair. None of my boys want to go with me. I may ask my 8 year old nephew Hunter if he wants to go. I am determined to beat this depression. Do any of you have ways with coping with depression you'd like to share with me? Just getting out of the house usually helps me. It's just getting up and going that is so hard sometimes
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday is here!
I am glad today is Friday! I enrolled Trevor into Rush Springs High School today. He had been attending Bray Schools all his life. This will be a major adjustment for us! He is only about a 1 1/2 miles from our house instead of 25 minutes away. Am hoping he will like it..if not he will go back to Bray.
Tonight I am going to Lawton to pay bills and buy groceries. If we didn't have to eat we would have lots of extra money. Have been working on grocery list for 2 days now. I have been trying to cook more often. Last week when Mr. C. was home we only ate out 3 times woo hoo!! This week while he is gone I am going to try to have dinner cooked at least 3 times. Am thinking Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. Mr. C. gets home Thursday and I always have dinner waiting on him when he gets home at 9 pm. He won't stop on the 4 hour drive home to eat anything. When I take that drive I usually stop at least 2 times for food or restroom breaks. His derrick man and him are just ready to get home.
Mr. C. went to his yearly check up and so far everything came back normal. He had told me Tuesday morning his heart was hurting and of course I told Dr. Maury that and they ran a EKG on him and it was normal. Sure made me feel so much better. Back when he was having bad health it scared me to death. I have never loved someone as much as I love him. He is the world to me. (Not counting my wonderful sons). This man has been so wonderful to me and I am truly blessed.
Wishing I was back in Kemah Texas right about now where I can feel the water on my face! I am thinking I would go every month if I could afford it and stay 3 or 4 days each time. Maybe just maybe I belong near the Gulf of Mexico...
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Trevor's Birthday
Today Trevor turned 15 years old. Amazing how time has flew by. He is my baby boy and he is growing up way too fasr for me. For his main gift I am paying $150.00 for his driver's education. I also will buy him two pair of jeans from Hollister and a pair of Nikes. He doesn't want a celebration. So will just get him what he wants without a family celebration. If I tried to do a birthday party it would make him so mad at me. So it's much better this way.
Trevor is a freshman this year and deceided to change schools. Tried to talk him out of it. But this school at Rush Springs has shooting competions. Trevor loves to hunt and fish and camp and ride his dirt bike and four wheelers. So am glad he is getting to do the shooting as a extra at school.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Headed toward Houston Texas!
I am super excited! I went to Houston with my Aunt Kathy, cousin Melisa and her friend Morgan! We went to my Aunt Ginger's to visit with her. She isn't doing so good health wise. Kemah and Galveston Texas is always so much fun to visit
I love going over this bridge as I know I am getting close to The Gulf of Mexico!
Here's me and Aunt Kathy
We are on the boat enjoying the ride! I love boats and ships and all that float in water!
This is at the Aquarium Restaurant in Kemah. I love going here every time I come this way!
This is Melissa and Morgie getting dry after the boat ride we took!
This was a great time for us!! We got home August 26 th.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Alisha is loving to bake!
Mr. C. left for his work week today. Alisha his 15 year old daughter asked if we had anything to make that is sweet. I told her I thought we had stuff to make the
Millionaire Pie. I checked the pantry and we needed a couple of items so I gave her money to go get cool whip and pecans. When she got back she made up the pies.
If you haven't made up the Millionaire Pie what are you waiting on? It is super easy and we got the recipe from Cooks.com.
Millionaire Pie
1 can Eagle Brand milk
1 lg Cool Whip
Juice of 1 lg lemon
1 can crushed pineapple, drained well
1 cup chopped pecans
2 graham cracker crusts
Mix all together real well. Pour into two crusts. Chill. Can freeze one if you desire.
garnish top with cherries if desired.
As I was leaving for Houston Texas in several hours I only had one wonderful piece of her pie. Which is a good thing because I sure need to loose a lot of weight.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Sometimes I wonder how my brother and I have such different memories of our mom. We were raised together but totally recall the past very different. Tonight he posted a recipe he said mom use to make, I do not ever remember her making it. I'm sure she must have cooked it but why don't I remember? Makes me sad to think I'm forgetting some of the past. Sure wish I had wrote down more of her history including recipes and such. I remember my dad always saying you can't redo your past, he sure hit that one out of the ballpark! I need to find a few old recipes dad made as well. I would like to put together a cookbook of family favorites for my boys. Just so they could have a taste of the past. Of course right now it might not mean much to them but later on it might.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
What's for Dinner?
I have some frozen beef patties thawing in refrigerator. Have been wondering what to do with them..So I did some online recipe hunts and came up with this fast and easy solution.
Hamburger Patties baked in a 9x 13 pan with a can of cream of mushroom mixed with a can of milk and a package of onion soup mix. So very easy...You just put patties in bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Pour soup mixture on top. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, or until dish is brown or bubbly.
How good does that sound? I will cook some mashed potatoes and make a salad to go with it as well. I also have part of a Pineapple cream cheese pie left over from the other night.
Tonight am also thinking about making some Bellini"s. If you haven't enjoyed a Bellini it is time to try one or two out!
Bellini Recipe
1 16 oz bottle peach nectar, chilled
1 bottle of Prosecco sparkling wine, chilled
That sounds nice and refreshing and I will need that after the humid day we've had today here in Oklahoma.
I have always wanted to try the Mimosa drink as well....
Mimosa Recipe
Equal parts of chilled Champagne and orange juice
I am all about fast and easy recipes of any kind. If you have one you would like to share with me feel free! Have a blessed day.
Hamburger Patties baked in a 9x 13 pan with a can of cream of mushroom mixed with a can of milk and a package of onion soup mix. So very easy...You just put patties in bottom of 9 x 13 pan. Pour soup mixture on top. Bake at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, or until dish is brown or bubbly.
How good does that sound? I will cook some mashed potatoes and make a salad to go with it as well. I also have part of a Pineapple cream cheese pie left over from the other night.
Tonight am also thinking about making some Bellini"s. If you haven't enjoyed a Bellini it is time to try one or two out!
Bellini Recipe
1 16 oz bottle peach nectar, chilled
1 bottle of Prosecco sparkling wine, chilled
That sounds nice and refreshing and I will need that after the humid day we've had today here in Oklahoma.
I have always wanted to try the Mimosa drink as well....
Mimosa Recipe
Equal parts of chilled Champagne and orange juice
I am all about fast and easy recipes of any kind. If you have one you would like to share with me feel free! Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Inspiration from family
If your like me every now and then you get into a fashion funk. While on vacation I watched my sister in law rock some beautiful summer dresses. I normally wear my capri's and blouses. So I bit the bullet and bought three summer dresses. So thank you Dana for showing me the newest trend here in Oklahoma. Dana and my brother Thomas has 5 children between them fulltime. Thomas works out of state so he is gone every other week. Which leaves Dana to be with the family fulltime. She seems to handle it all well including the ex wife. Am proud to call her my sister in law!
My brother Stacy inspires me to be a better person. He works full time and is on top of everything. He cooks every night after he gets home from his job. I do not do much cooking. Mr. C loves to cook so I get lazy and assume he will the week he is home. The week he is gone we eat sandwiches and such. After visiting with Stacy and his partner and kiddo's I went home and cooked! Thank you Stacy for inspring me to be a better person at home.
I miss my mom who inspired me to be a good consumer. She taught me the importance of the dollar. She was a single mom and worked full time. She knew how to stretch the dollar. Am so glad she taught me how to stretch the dollar.
Thanks to many more family members for inspiring me as well.
My brother Stacy inspires me to be a better person. He works full time and is on top of everything. He cooks every night after he gets home from his job. I do not do much cooking. Mr. C loves to cook so I get lazy and assume he will the week he is home. The week he is gone we eat sandwiches and such. After visiting with Stacy and his partner and kiddo's I went home and cooked! Thank you Stacy for inspring me to be a better person at home.
I miss my mom who inspired me to be a good consumer. She taught me the importance of the dollar. She was a single mom and worked full time. She knew how to stretch the dollar. Am so glad she taught me how to stretch the dollar.
Thanks to many more family members for inspiring me as well.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Surfside Vacation Pictures!
I loved being at the beach! Our 3 cottages was right on the water! How awesome was that I ask you?
This is a picture of the little guys and of course my brother Tyler.
This is Rowdy, Kara, Allison and my son Trevor, on the ferry
Tyler, me, Maycie, and stepmom Karen Sue sightseeing the off shore oilrig.
Blake my oldest son at the Battleship at Galveston Texas.
We all had a great time on vacation. I was worried about so many of us going but I think it turned out to be one of the best things I have ever done!
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Surfside Texas Trip
I am so ready for vacation! 23 family members and a few friends are going to the beach for some much needed fun time! I have been shopping and trying to get ready for our trip. My middle son does not want to go, which breaks my heart. He does not travel well at all. Just call him a homeboy! Am glad Blake and Trevor are going!
I will go get Trevor's vacation clothes tomorrow. He says he is too busy to go with me..so he will have to like what I get him..
We rented 3 cottages at Surfside Beach Texas. We will spend the first night and day at Galveston. We are planning on riding the ferry, and touring the off shore oil rig. Not sure what else they have planned.
Am looking forward to making memories with my family members.
I will go get Trevor's vacation clothes tomorrow. He says he is too busy to go with me..so he will have to like what I get him..
We rented 3 cottages at Surfside Beach Texas. We will spend the first night and day at Galveston. We are planning on riding the ferry, and touring the off shore oil rig. Not sure what else they have planned.
Am looking forward to making memories with my family members.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Foodie Pen Pal June Reveal
Oh my goodness if you haven't done foodie pen pal you need to jump on the bandwagon!! This was my 2nd month to do this food swap and I am loving it!! Cassie E. sent me a awesome box of goodness! She sent me Cinnamon oatmeal, cocoa almonds (my favorite) a clif bar (had never tried that brand before and it was yummy)! She sent mint hot chocolate and some couscous as well as other items. It was a fun big ole box to open and enjoy! Many thanks to her! If you haven't been to her blog you should run on over and say hi! She is located at.No more sweet treats. com
I sent to Amy over at Laughing with the Stahls. I sent a package of goodies made right here in Oklahoma.
Heres some info about Foodie pen pal
-On the 5th of the month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal!
-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
-You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you can choose to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month.
- Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian residents & UK residents. Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. We’ve determined things might get too slow and backed up if we’re trying to send foods through customs across the border from US to Canada and vice versa. So, I’m going to keep two separate lists and match US w/ US and Canada w/ Canada!
I sent to Amy over at Laughing with the Stahls. I sent a package of goodies made right here in Oklahoma.
Heres some info about Foodie pen pal
-On the 5th of the month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal!
-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
-You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you can choose to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month.
- Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian residents & UK residents. Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. We’ve determined things might get too slow and backed up if we’re trying to send foods through customs across the border from US to Canada and vice versa. So, I’m going to keep two separate lists and match US w/ US and Canada w/ Canada!
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Sending Trevor to Falls Creek Church Camp
My baby boy Trevor went to Falls Creek Baptist Church Camp this week. It was a chore to get him ready. I went and bought him 3 new shirts and a pair of new swim trunks..so I thought. Sunday night at 8pm I show him the swim trunks..he holds them up and says "Mom these aren't swim trunks..whatcha want me to do show everyone my junk?" Good grief I had picked up regular shorts for him. Now I could understand this mistake if he was my only son but he being the youngest of 3 boys I should have done better. So we run into the only store in town open Dollar General and find him the last pair in his size. Then we picked up new underware, socks and sleep pants as well. I had been after him for several weeks to go with me and get his list of items he was supose to take but he was way to busy for that kind of interuptions. Boys!! So instead we do it the night before he leaves.
Break down of camp cost..
$90.00 for 6 days of peace and quiet (mine=priceless)
$90.00 for new clothes and toiltries
$120.00 for his spending money
$15.00 for gatorade donated to church for kids
His papa Kendall contributed $140.00 toward the over all cost of the camp. I am blessed to have a step dad who does SO much for the boys and me. If it was up to me I would have only sent him $60.00 for spending money.. Lakeside Baptist Church will not let my baby go hungry this I know! Trevor will just buy junk and blow thru the spending money. Am hoping he will learn to budget his money one day!
Am hoping he will have a wonderful time while gone and he will be filled with the spirit of God.
Break down of camp cost..
$90.00 for 6 days of peace and quiet (mine=priceless)
$90.00 for new clothes and toiltries
$120.00 for his spending money
$15.00 for gatorade donated to church for kids
His papa Kendall contributed $140.00 toward the over all cost of the camp. I am blessed to have a step dad who does SO much for the boys and me. If it was up to me I would have only sent him $60.00 for spending money.. Lakeside Baptist Church will not let my baby go hungry this I know! Trevor will just buy junk and blow thru the spending money. Am hoping he will learn to budget his money one day!
Am hoping he will have a wonderful time while gone and he will be filled with the spirit of God.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Foodie Pen Pals
Foodie Pen Pals
I received a awesome package from STEPHANIE S. It was filled with lots of goodies. Her letter to me was nice telling me why she choose what she sent to me. I had told her I love sweets and snacks and regional foods.. Her package to me included 8 iems that was regional to California. The other item was a sweet and spicy popcorn. That item was my favorite as it had a great flavor to it. She sent two different peanut brittles and they were both yummy. She sent several different spices that I didn't have and can't wait to try them. Mmm or should I say Mr. C. will use them. He enjoys creating masterpieces in the kitchen. Stephanie went with the mexican theme which she had no ideal how often we eat mexican food. She sent a package of tortillas and we made chicken fajitas using them.
This was my first month in particapting in foodie pen pals and I must say Stephanie hit a home run! I can't wait to do this again for June! Trying foods I would never have had a chance of trying before is fun.
I sent to Denine her blog is over at TheBicycle-Chef. If you haven't been to her blogs you should go take a peak! She is a brillant writer and has several interesting blogs. She is inspiring and creative. Denine seems to me the kind of girl you'd want as your best friend. We are worlds apart for instance I drive everywhere as we are in a rural part of Oklahoma. This lady rides her bike! I haven't been on a bike in YEARS! We have shared several emails and I hope to continue to exchange greetings.
This was a fun experience! You should give it a whirl ladies!!! Taking part of this foodie pen pal project was truly a awesome expereience!
Here’s a detailed explanation of the program:
-On the 5th of the month, you will receive your penpal pairing via email. It will be your responsibility to contact your penpal and get their mailing address and any other information you might need like allergies or dietary restrictions.
-You will have until the 15th of the month to put your box of goodies in the mail. On the last day of the month, you will post about the goodies you received from your penpal!
-The boxes are to be filled with fun foodie things, local food items or even homemade treats! The spending limit is $15. The box must also include something written. This can be anything from a note explaining what’s in the box, to a fun recipe…use your imagination!
-You are responsible for figuring out the best way to ship your items depending on their size and how fragile they are. (Don’t forget about flat rate boxes!)
-Foodie Penpals is open to blog readers as well as bloggers. If you’re a reader and you get paired with a blogger, you can choose to write a short guest post for your penpal to post on their blog about what you received. If two readers are paired together, neither needs to worry about writing a post for that month.
- Foodie Penpals is open to US, Canadian residents & UK residents. Please note, Canadian Residents will be paired with other Canadians only. We’ve determined things might get too slow and backed up if we’re trying to send foods through customs across the border from US to Canada and vice versa. So, I’m going to keep two separate lists and match US w/ US and Canada w/ Canada!
Friday, May 17, 2013
Looking forward to the weekend!
Can't wait for the weekend!
Tonight am going to Aaron's girlfriend's graduation at Central High. That should be fun or at least interesting. I normally don't like doing these type of things but felt like this is important to both Aaron and her.
Saturday I want to visit with some of the older family members on my mom's side. Wouldn't she be proud of me for going and making a appearance? When she was alive she almost had to hog tie me and make me do family functions. Now I am doing it all on my own. Have a cousin coming in from Kentucky I want to visit with for a moment. I never realized how important keeping family ties was until both of my parents passed away. If it wasn't for my Aunt Kathy I wouldn't know any thing about family get togethers. So thankful that she keeps me updated.
Sunday I am going to Oklahoma City and spending time with my brother Stacy and his daughter Kaylee! Am super excited about spending time with them.
I also want to rearrange living room and clean it from top to bottom. Not sure I will have time or the energy for housework. So like my son Aaron says "If it happens it happens!" He says that is his new quote for his Senior Year. Sounds pretty good to me!!!
Have a safe and happy weekend!!
Tonight am going to Aaron's girlfriend's graduation at Central High. That should be fun or at least interesting. I normally don't like doing these type of things but felt like this is important to both Aaron and her.
Saturday I want to visit with some of the older family members on my mom's side. Wouldn't she be proud of me for going and making a appearance? When she was alive she almost had to hog tie me and make me do family functions. Now I am doing it all on my own. Have a cousin coming in from Kentucky I want to visit with for a moment. I never realized how important keeping family ties was until both of my parents passed away. If it wasn't for my Aunt Kathy I wouldn't know any thing about family get togethers. So thankful that she keeps me updated.
Sunday I am going to Oklahoma City and spending time with my brother Stacy and his daughter Kaylee! Am super excited about spending time with them.
I also want to rearrange living room and clean it from top to bottom. Not sure I will have time or the energy for housework. So like my son Aaron says "If it happens it happens!" He says that is his new quote for his Senior Year. Sounds pretty good to me!!!
Have a safe and happy weekend!!
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
My Birthday Week!!
Happy Birthday Week To Me!!
My goodness I have my 46th birthday coming up May 9th!! So am celebrating all week long!
Yesterday Leona and I went to Oklahoma City and ate at the Olive Garden and did some shopping. First place we HAD to go was the health food market. Wanted to pick up some goodies for my partner Denine. Plus I picked up more items for me including sea salt popcorn and a chilies & cherries in dark chocolate candy bar. It looks yummy! I tried coconut water and it wasn't something I even liked. The chunks of coconut mixed into the water just isn't my think. It got poured down the sink after about three sips.
Am thinking Tuesday my three sons will take me to eat supper to celebrate my birthday. Thursday Mr. C. comes home and we will have dinner and a few cocktails. So I am looking at a fun filled week.
Both of my parents passed on in their early 60's. Which means I need to treasure each year I grown older. I look at it as a blessing to be here with my wonderful family and friends. Am loving my life!!!
My goodness I have my 46th birthday coming up May 9th!! So am celebrating all week long!
Yesterday Leona and I went to Oklahoma City and ate at the Olive Garden and did some shopping. First place we HAD to go was the health food market. Wanted to pick up some goodies for my partner Denine. Plus I picked up more items for me including sea salt popcorn and a chilies & cherries in dark chocolate candy bar. It looks yummy! I tried coconut water and it wasn't something I even liked. The chunks of coconut mixed into the water just isn't my think. It got poured down the sink after about three sips.
Am thinking Tuesday my three sons will take me to eat supper to celebrate my birthday. Thursday Mr. C. comes home and we will have dinner and a few cocktails. So I am looking at a fun filled week.
Both of my parents passed on in their early 60's. Which means I need to treasure each year I grown older. I look at it as a blessing to be here with my wonderful family and friends. Am loving my life!!!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Foodie Penpals
Foodie Penpals
Okay I was browsing thru blogs and came to this blog http://www.theleangreenbean.com/foodie-penpals/ and am considering doing this first of May. Has any one of y'all tried this or given it a thought?
![IMG_0799 IMG 0799 Foodie Penpals](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_uzpPEots_3yHdAH2agibmk4jd7jUncmqUVSCHia6lw6Tztx5bADA2TDkW9s5Sku7ihLNP1jwSwEMd88jw_7OxSTnaJfBOhsomK2u5G5kPkRoC3RvtCYUx3fvs_t2NBuXhqTvMlRct2CYjq=s0-d)
I borrowed this from The Lean Green Bean blog so you could see some items that are sent to your partner.
![IMG_1027 IMG 1027 Foodie Penpals](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_t-7R6bB4DDzCcYtPF9UcjNltkUIWp9DAQboPdb8VJtowpuxojgAaqzWjGc6LOdGqy0PSgmoasiDhUsoEZeN6HUj1ChsdpoGAIBgFGp5GIcaUikuXuhHXOCKFglMQQ-OhP4XNQfVT_7D9Vy=s0-d)
What a great way to try someones favorite foods!
I am super excited to give this a whirl. As many of you who have been with me for awhile knows I tend to be all over the place. This may be a fleeting project that I do once or twice or if I love it I will continue to do this! I love getting fun mail packages that are surprises! All these look like great food packages to receive from one's foodie penpal.
n't I can't wait to get signed up for this new adventure!
OKAY now I am wondering where in the world am I going to find good healthy snacks? I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew...NOW I am freaking out about getting my box gathered up for my partner.
Excited but Nervous about choosing good snacks for my partner...Sometimes I over analize things...lol
Okay I was browsing thru blogs and came to this blog http://www.theleangreenbean.com/foodie-penpals/ and am considering doing this first of May. Has any one of y'all tried this or given it a thought?
I borrowed this from The Lean Green Bean blog so you could see some items that are sent to your partner.
What a great way to try someones favorite foods!
I am super excited to give this a whirl. As many of you who have been with me for awhile knows I tend to be all over the place. This may be a fleeting project that I do once or twice or if I love it I will continue to do this! I love getting fun mail packages that are surprises! All these look like great food packages to receive from one's foodie penpal.
OKAY now I am wondering where in the world am I going to find good healthy snacks? I hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew...NOW I am freaking out about getting my box gathered up for my partner.
Excited but Nervous about choosing good snacks for my partner...Sometimes I over analize things...lol
Monday, April 22, 2013
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Footloose Prom Night 2013
Prom Night 2013
Jessica Ross and Aaron Grigsby
Aaron and Jessica had a great time at the Bray~Doyle Prom. The theme was "FOOTLOOSE'. The kids had decorated the building up super cute. Aaron had to have camouflage vest and tie. If I would have allowed it he would have wore a hunting vest or something similiar. Aaron is such a country boy!
After Prom they went back to the school gym and had the after prom party. Once in you can't leave till 5am. All thru the night Aaron kept texting me and calling. So Saturday morning I felt like I had been up all night long..made me tired..lol!
![Photo: Aaron Prom 2013](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/p480x480/379926_10200266444758129_256193904_n.jpg)
We went to the park before prom to take a few photo's.
![Photo: EssicaAaron and J](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/603658_10200263269158741_1477624955_n.jpg)
They are so happy here! Aaron never smiles in photo's..We forgot to put on corsage..silly us!
Am so glad they had a good evening and night. I am so proud of my middle son!
Am so glad they had a good evening and night. I am so proud of my middle son!
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