Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Recap of the weekend

I had a great fullfilled weekend.  Friday night I sat at home and enjoyed the peace and quiet.  I took time to work on my homemaker journals.  Yes I am now currently working on 3 for swaps. Each one is different.  I am almost done with the compostion book one.  Started filling in the pages on the 3 ring binder one, and working on the cover of the last one. I have enjoyed finding different tips and articles to include in them. So that was a productive night for me.
Saturday I went to the flower shop for several hours.  Then I go to my Aunt Connie's for a family reunion.  I had a very good time and enjoyed being with my family.  My cousin's Sherrie and Michelle and I ran to Lawton Okla to Hobby Lobby and got wedding flowers and such for Julie's wedding May 12.  We have to get busy and get them done.  At 6 pm I run by my friend Angie's house to visit for a few minutes as I haven't seen her in forever.  Then home sweet home bound.  I watched tv and worked on journals. 
Sunday I got up and worked on house some. Then about 10:30am I leave to go pick up Leona and head toward Dallas Texas.  Trevor had gone to Aut Stacey's for the weekend and it was time to pick him up.  I took several pictures of the kiddo's and had a great visit with them.  I sure have missed them since they have moved to Texas.
Today I am at flower shop and it has been very busy!  So what did everyone do with their weekend? I would love to hear how everyone spent theirs!

Have a great day!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Prom Season

I Love being at the flower shop during prom season.  We rent and sell prom dresses. Then we rent Tuxedos for the guys. Of course we also make the wristlets and boutonniere's.  So we are all running around crazy.

King's Red Rose Boutonniere    

Real life issues

Tonight Mr. C comes home from his week of being at work.  I am so excited that it is here. Trevor my baby boy (well okay he is 13 years old but still my baby) has pus pockets on his throat.  Of course I had to work today so I couldn't take him to Dr.  Hopefully I can get him in tomorrow and get it under control before it gets much worse.

Am on a decluttering kick. It is going well for me as I tend to put everything off till I can't stand it anymore. Poor Trevor won't have much left in his bedroom when I get done with it.  I should take pictures before and after but don't want to embarrass myself. Getting the room cleaned will be a huge burden off my shoulders.

Well I had better get off here and get busy! Have a great and wonderful day!!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Busy Me!

I have been busy decluttering. I started in our bedroom and still have quite a bit left in there to do. So far I have two bags for goodwill and one huge trash bag of trash. I also have went thoru old piles of mail in the craft room. I threw away old letters from pen pals that is no longer writing. I must get a better way to organize pen pal letters. Anyone want to share with me how you keep up?
I am still sending out at least one letter to family a week. Have found that it is getting harder to do as the weeks go by.
Bought a new book to read for this week. It is called Chicks with Sticks (Knitwise) by Elizabeth Lenhard. It is more of a young adult book but thought it could be interesting since it was about knitting. I must i sert here I can't knit a stich but enjoy reading books about knitting. You can visit Elizabeth on the web atwww.elizabethlenhard.com
Aaron my middle son who is 16 is trying to send me to the poor house. He just received his secong ticket. This one for riding his four~wheeler on the roadway. First off he knows better. Second he tried to run from officer. Third he was with a friend who I have told him not to hang out with. Yes boyswill be boys...I told him he had better figure out how he was going to get $200.00 for the ticket. He had $60.00 on him. Blake (my oldest son) told me he would pay it IF Aaron would do some work for him. So maybe Aaron will do what Blake has in mind. If not you all know I will pay the ticket. ( Just want Aaron to be more responsible)
Well I am going to close here. Just wanted to give a update on my world.