My blog is a collection of me rambling on about my home life. I like to share a few photos and recipes and hopefully some crafts as I go along. I am a simple country gal with a wonderful family and lots of great friends.
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
I got my first #jollyvox box and let me tell you it was awesome! My goodness it was filled with zebra mini duck tape.
rimmel lip lacquer
in a soft pink, NYC trio eyeshadow in pretty browns(my favorite
colors for eyeshadow), Skinny Cow candy,and do not forget puffs with lotion.
First thing I did was try on the lip lacquer. I liked the pretty color of the Rimmel lip lacquer. I was afraid it would have a taste but was pleasently surprised when it didn't. I do plan on purchasing this product!
The next product I had to give a whirl was the NYC trio eyeshadow in browns. I liked how it felt going on and that it was my colors I always use. I tend to rub my eyes alot so wasn't sure how it would last on me. Guess what it is still on my eyes and that is a plus! Will I purchase that in future? You bet for one thing the price is so good.
The zebra duckings tape is so cute. I make alot of mail art and this will look so cute on my envelopes! I also plan on checki g out some crafts and get them made using this tape. We go thru a lot of regular duck tape at my house. Am going to pick up some more of these tapes for use at the house. I like to take cheap ink pens and wrap them in the colored duck tape.
I received these products freefrom Influensterbut am not compensated in any way for my review of the the products. The thoughts are mine alone.
I got my first #JollyVoxBox and I am loving it very much. I have been sporting the Rimmel lip lacquer for several days now! Wanted to make sure I liked it and I do! The color I got was a pretty pink color. Not my normal color as I tend to wear extremely dark shades..nearly black. I liked the softer shade on me. Although I do plan on buying a darker shade when I finish this cute tubeof lip lacquer.
The price is very good as well.
This review is all mine..I did receive the Rimmel lip lacquer free but am not compensated for my thoughts on this product.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Road Trip
I went on a 3 1/2 hour road trip to Cheyenne Okla.! I went to pick up Brody from his cousin's house out in the middle of nowhere. The trip to Cheyenne was peaceful and I listened to Incarceron. A audio book by Catherine Fisher. It is a bout a futuristic prison that is hidden from view. It's a young adult fantasy book but I have really enjoyed listening to it.
My friend Leona couldn't believe that I could listen to a audio book in the car, read a book on my kindle as well as a paperback book at the house. I'm like yes I can do all three books at one time and not have any issues. I love to read!!
I enjoyed the trip up there very much. On the trip home Brody and I had a great conversation! We talked non stop and it was a eye opener for me. Felt like it was the first time we had ever had a heart to heart conversation in many years.
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Dying appliances!
Ok I think we have had it so good for so ling that when our appliances start dying off on by on it gets very frustrating! Several weeks ago our microwave died, which was no surprise to us. We could here it moaning very loudly each time we used it. Then last week I washed Mr. C.'s cell phone. We ended up ordering him one for $600.00 dollars! Ouch!! It is a galaxy 4 s and I am so wanting one as well. The screen is a great size for us to read messages and look at pictures. So I do believe this was a wise decision for him. As we get older our eyesight is not as good as it once was. Then today our washer just died. No warning at all just quit at the start of the rinse cycle. Are you kidding me? The darn washer was only about 3 years old and when we bought it they said it was good for 10 years. In the mean time our furniture store where we bought everything has went out of business after 40 or more years. I know I do a lot of laundry but I don't think I have done 10 years of laundry in 3 years!
So now I must try to figure out where to go to get a washer. Remember we live in a rural area of Oklahoma. Which means either Lawton Ok or Oklahoma City. I don't think I can go too long with out this necessity item in my life. I am not to proud to rent to own but it just don't make good fiancé sense to me. It would end up costing double the money instead of just buying it right out! Mmm got to do something thou...
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Pen Pal letters!
Many of you know I love writing letters! I have several steady pen pals and many that write as time lets them..(kinda like me!). This past year I tried out a new system with my pen pals and it didn't work out at all for me. So this year I have gone back to the system that was fool proof. I took a composition notebook and since I am starting it out new I put the pen pals address that I am sending to on one I will have it handy. I take a page and put the date on it for received and sent letters. One page may have a week's worth of mail on it. I use the back of the sent/received page and list any swap bot swaps I am in and the address for my partners. When I get a letter in I put it in notebook and log it right then. I do not take out the letter till I have wrote the person back. So simple but yet works for me.
Last year I just didn't feel like writing and I put the blame on not being organized as well as having a bit of depression going on. One of my goals this year is to write my pen pals in a timely manner. I also am trying to catch up with pen pal letters that I haven't responded to yet. I sent out eight letters today! Two of which was short letters but the others I put time and effort into writing them. Sometimes I do believe it would be faster to do a form letter to catch everyone up but I can't seem to bring myself to do that quite yet.
I have several ladies who write extremely long letters. I love them because its as if I am visiting with a dear friend. But then when it comes to me writing them back I feel like I am not as interesting as them. Do any of you agree with me on this? Surely I am not the only one feeling inadequate. If you ever get behind how do you try to get caught up?
I love getting pen pal letters! I don't care what they write the letter on as long as I can read it. I have a couple of pals I have a hard time reading their writing but have always figured it out sooner or later.
What are you waiting on go get a sheet of paper and write a random letter today!
Friday, January 10, 2014
Swap Bot Journal
So I am working on a Swap journal swap. It is a 4 month long journal swap. I have really enjoyed doing it but it has been time consuming for me! I got behind about 20 entry's so I need to get caught up on them. The bad news is I have to send it to my partner January 13th. Which means that this weekend I will be working hard on my journal. For these entry's I do believe I will write over topics such as my saddest day ever, my best friend, favorite actor and why, as well as some list of random stuff. I also am big on using recipes! She is getting a random journal from me. Am hoping that we have similar taste in how we do our journaling. I am sure she will enjoy what I have done for her. I would like to do another journal swap soon.
I love swap bot as it has kept me busy. Plus side is getting happy mail a lot! I have taken a long break from Swap Bot but am ready to get back into the swing of it. I use to do a lot of international swaps but think I will cut back on doing them,. The postage is extremely high for overseas mail.
I have gotten so many pen pals thru swap bot as well. This year I am trying to get back on track with my pen pals. I have been very neglectful this past year. I have no excuses I got behind and never got caught up. Today I sent off 8 pen pal letters and 2 postcrossing postcards. Didn't put a dent in my mail pile but hey it's a good start!
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Blake Jessica and Logan
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Happy New Year!
What a great start to the New Year! I have made several goals for myself! One is to become a better blogger if only for myself. I have so much to say but yet feel like I censor myself. I know I can rattle on and on about nothing and yet I make my post so short and simple.
I know I have gotten old because New Year's Eve I stayed home and watched T.V. I had bought a bottle of wine but didn't even open it. Was asleep by 10:00 pm. I didn't even go get my favorite take out or anything. Mr. C. was at work and I think that with him not being home it made me a little sad. the last couple of years I would get Chinese take out along with a few cocktails and enjoy myself. Why is it all the major holidays Mr. C. has to be working? You'd think I would be use to that by now...but am still complaining about it.
Several goals are in my head this year. I do think I will work on each one as I see fit. Yes I want to eat healthy and lose thinking that is most of us? Right?? I want to blog better. Which means I should look at blogs that inspire me and see how their technique is different from mine. I AM saving up for two vacations this year. Vancouver Washington to visit my cousin Melissa! then our huge family vacation to South Padre Island Texas. Am sure we will have more than 23 of us going this year! I would like to order us all a special T-shirt. I think that would be cool.
Another goal is to keep my darn messy car washed and cleaned. My middle son Aaron does a great job at detailing. He owes me big time and this is how he works the money off. Well if I don't ask him he sure don't volunteer his So I am thinking every month he will be cleaning my car for me. He just got a new set of tires on his truck so this should be a small sacrifice to make for the cost of the tires. Is that so wrong of me? He is 18 and still in school with no job... He can donate a hour to his momma at least I should hope so!
Goals are great but somewhat over rated. I figure if I work on a goal as I see fit at some point it has to be a positive for me!
Did you make any goals set in concrete? How do you plan on keeping them? I don't seem to do well at long term goals. With this being a new year I plan on giving it another whirl! Lots of luck out there to everyone on making new goals and following thru with them!!
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