Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Cash envelope system

I started a new budget back in April.  The main reason is I am living beyond my budget.  I make enough money that I should have put some money in savings.  Nope not one red cent. So far this budget has been working for me.  
Last week I bought this Easy Cash Budget Planner.  I really do like it so far.  I went ahead and made up my budget for the month of June.  
So I have cash envelopes for groceries, me, shopping, date night, gas and household.  My groceries for the month get $300.00 a month. Household I stuff with $60.00 for the month.  My spending is usually around $40.00 and shopping is $40.00.  Gas is at $100.00. Date night is $60.00.  
Then on my Sinking funds I have more envelopes.  These include Vacation, Amazon Prime, gifts, Christmas, Medical for copays and etc, furniture, car and Trevor.  I have no set amount that I put in these envelopes.  I just try to put something each week in these envelopes.. My main focus is Vacation and Christmas envelopes. 
I also have saving's envelopes I put some in each pay period.  Saving's that I have envelopes for include $1 challenge and emergency and change. 
I have figured out that I do not need lots of envelopes.  I had ordered several more envelopes and ended taking them out of my binder.  Too many made me feel overwhelmed.  So figured out where I needed my money to go and so far that is working for me.  
Luther and I want to go to Branson Missouri in September.  So my main focus has been Vacation and Christmas and emergency funds.  I feel good with how much I have saved up but Luther thinks we need more money.  I told him the other day I was just going to the bank to borrow the money.  I thought he was going to fall down. He sure didn't like that ideal of getting a loan for fun.
Our major saving's goal is $1000.00 in savings. Don't laugh too hard but all I have so far is $50.00.  I plan on adding to it every payday not matter how long it takes me to get to my goal. The $1 challenge is where I save all my dollar bills that I receive thru the month.  I will probably split it between vacation and emergency savings at the end of August. 
I am really excited about this budget.  It has made me more aware of how much money that I literally throwing out the window.  Lots of random impulse shopping.  
You Tube and Facebook have been my go to on how to apply this budget to my lifestyle. I really do like the Budget Mom on YouTube.  


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