Friday, May 3, 2024

Cinco de mayo

We had a great turn out for our cinco de mayo potluck.  It’s been awhile since we have thrown a work potluck. Sometimes I wish we could all get off phone lines for 30 minutes so we could visit with one another.  The vendors could take the calls for us.

Love this big ole taco.  We’ve used this several times thru the years.

Lots of good food.  Two different casseroles was brought.  Both was very good.  I don’t know why I didn’t make my Mexican casserole.  I brought cheese dip, chips,  small plates and guacamole dip. 

Our next potluck will be just for our department at the end of May.  I will bring my usual teriyaki meatballs, plates, utensils and may bring a dessert. Want to find a good summer dessert that is easy to make.  Need to google recipes.

I know Cinco de mayo is celebrated on May 5. Which recognizes Mexico’s victory over the Second French Empire led by Napoleon III at the Battle of Puebla in 1862


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