Sunday, May 19, 2024

Redbud park with grandkids

Max was taking a nap waiting on Nana to get to park.  They had just left church. 

Clifford forcing a smile for Nana.

Love my selfies with the kiddo’s.  He didn’t let me hold him long.  He wanted to chase after his brother and play in the dirt.  Was so good to see everyone.  Michelle was going to drive to the house.  I figured the park was exactly in the middle of our houses.  So we each only have to drive 12 miles or so.  Plus the kids could play while I was visiting with Michelle.  Clifford is talking so much better.  Am proud of how far he is coming along with his speech.  
I need to make more effort to see the grandchildren.  I get so caught up in my own world and haven’t made time to visit with my family.  I know how blessed I am to have my family and I need to show them how much I treasure each and every one of them. 


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