Saturday, May 18, 2024

May Daze Festival

This vendor really caught my eye.  I enjoy looking at Goth items.  The young man designed the helmets on table.  With one of the helmets he has won many awards for his design.  For more information head over to  
Or go to Facebook.   Gothic Gardens LLC
The owner is Pamala Crossno. 
Her booth was very unique from all the other vendors at the May Daze Festival.  I also liked that her son dressed the part as well. 

Mindy and I checking out the booths at the festival.

Hunter Thomas Group performed from 10:30 till 12 pm.  Mindy and I did enjoy listening to him and the others who ended up joining him during his time on the stage. 

Mindy got her funnel cake and a cherry lemonade.

I had to have a pretzel with cheese and a strawberry lemonade.  Was surprised by the generous cheese helping for my pretzel.  

If I see this food truck again I will definitely order from them.  Mindy’s funnel cake looked very good. As you may know I love food trucks.  Am so glad we are getting more in our area.

I wish I had seen the wine truck!  I would have got me a wine slushy for sure.  

Here’s the guy who created the goth helmets.  When I see someone who is true to their character it makes me happy.  I did ask him if I could put him in my blog post and he said yes. 

Mindy and I had to have a photo of us together to commemorate our fun day.   Was thankful that Mindy wanted to go with me today.  At first I had thought about going by myself.  Mr. C. Said no Ma’am get someone to go with you.  Mindy is the perfect travel companion. Always good conversation with her.  Love listening to her stories from her life. 


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