Sunday, July 28, 2024

Pen pal letters, mail art,

Am sending out 3 letters for the week.  I wanted to make each envelope cute. I know I love happy mail and really get excited when it’s decorated with stickers and such.  Since I’m not an artist stickers come to my rescue. 

Am sure by pen pals enjoy the pop of color on their envelopes.  To tell you the truth I am always just to receive a piece of happy mail.  Doesn’t matter if it’s in a plain envelope or decorated.  I just feel blessed that they took time out of their busy lives to write me.   
With the rising cost of stamps I have seen the decline of pen pals.  I have cut way back on pen pals myself.  I currently have 6 active pals.  Which I believe is enough for me currently. Staying on top of my outgoing mail pile is important.   I never want to be known as a pen pal collector.  


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