Thursday, July 11, 2024

Grandchildren play date

Meet up with Max, Clifford,Angel and Michelle at Duncan Okla for a play date. It has been too long since I got to see them.  There is a lot going on that makes it hard to see them.  Will take every chance I get to see them.  

Max has grown by leaps and bounds.  He is racing after his siblings trying to keep up with them.  Max has the cutest smile ever.

Clifford was so happy to see his Nana.   Grandkids make every day brighter.  I hope Clifford will remember how much I love him and Maxasthey get older. 

Angel is being a good older sister to Max and Clifford.  She will soon be 10 years old going on 21. She seems smarter ever time we are together. 


These boys seem so happy and playful.  What I do know is The age of innocence and childlike wonder is way too short. As we know in the grande scheme of life, little kid moments are so short. Enjoy each and every one. 
I want my grandchildren to know I’m here to help them get into mischief they haven’t thought of yet! Hope to show them adventures and a sense of fun,


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