Friday, August 30, 2024

Brooks meeting football players

Brooks acting shy.  PK3 had a blast with their football buddies today and at the pep rally!  Go Donkeys!!! Brooks really enjoyed meeting all the football guys. 

Love our small school system.  They love our children. 


Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Hattie in Dance Program

Hattie has began our local dance program.  Isn’t she the cutest little girl ever?  I know she is going to excel in this program.  She will enjoy interacting with the other students as well. She is full of sass, am so proud of her.  
I am so excited to watch her progress with her dance lessons.  She is so full of  joy and laughter.  I know if they have a recital I will be there as well.  

Monday, August 26, 2024

Blessing Box Monday

This was what was in box Monday after work.  Yikes not much at all. Am glad I kept some food back to add today.  Sure pray the people who need food gets something.   I know I can’t fill the box every week.  Wish I could but like everyone else we are on a budget. 

Of course what food I added today did not fill the box but there is a few good items to help. One of the spaghetti meal kits and bean burrito meal kit was in this blessing box reload.  Did see where all hygiene products was gone except for the playtex. I have more hygiene products I need to add to the box.  

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Blessing Box Sunday

This is how the box looked mid morning Sunday.  I picked up about $40 in food this weekend for blessing box.  I decided to keep half of the food and put in Monday after I got off work.  I’ve heard that one person will take everything in the box.  I really don’t care but would like to bless more than a person.  
The box I use is next to the high school.  I’m thinking my next reload that I am going to do snack bags geared to school age students students.  Am thinking a drink, chips, granola bars, and such. I bought gallon ziplock bags to put items in.  So they can grasp and go. 

On bottom shelf I put hygiene products.  Several items I had but wasn’t ever going to use.  Next time I plan on putting individual toilet paper, laundry soap and small bottles of dish soap.  
We are so blessed and I want to help others in need.  This is just a small way I can help others. If everyone placed a few cans of food or even a loaf of bread we would be able to help so many more people in need.   I personally plan on putting food in the Blessing Box every two weeks.  Depending on my budget.  
This week I put spaghetti, spaghetti sauce and a can of green beans in a ziplock bag. Made a couple of them.  Then I made up a bag of tortillas, refried beans, red enchilada sauce, and a Spanish rice.  I thought the meal kits would be kinda cool to put in the blessing boxes.  


Friday, August 23, 2024

Smoking’ Joes Rib Ranch

In our rural area this is a tasty BBQ joint.  The food is always so good.  We ordered a three meat platter. Came with two sides.  Our favorite is fries and fried okra. We had enough leftovers that we can have it for lunch tomorrow.  Our meal was $26.00.  Break it down to $13.00 each, then with us having leftovers it made it around $6.50 each meal.  That’s economical for eating out these days. 

This is some of the decorations in the building.  I am not sure if I have ever taken pictures of inside the restaurant. 

Since our community is known for growing watermelons this wall design is a good fit.  If you’re ever in Rush Springs Oklahoma stop by and get some of the best BBQ you will ever taste. 


Sunday, August 18, 2024

Blessing Box

This is the box before I added my groceries.  Was surprised to see the drinks as well as the shelled walnuts. 

This is how I left the box. I always try to put pasta and spaghetti sauce in the box.  I felt like I added a variety of items.  I did put a package of hotdog buns with a can of chili with beans.  Also I added some ramen noodles for the young boy I met last week.  Hopefully he checks it at some point this evening.  I also bought a few microwave Mac and cheese containers.  Ranch dressing, corn,green beans, tomato sauce,  cookies, with individual packages of pop tart bites.  Don’t forget Mac and cheese, pasta salad, pasta sides, and couple of popcorns in individual size, similar to chips. 

#helpingothers, #gooddeeds


Saturday, August 17, 2024

Outing with co~workers

Today went to Okc with Whitney and Shelby.  Our first stop was Market Basket. It’s where Hobby Lobby’s items go once they are discontinued or even if they are samples.  Great prices on most everything. 
I was looking for items for Christmas. I am leaning toward buffalo plaid.  Bought 7 Christmas containers in buffalo plaid to put presents into once I get to that stage.  Bought a box of Christmas cards, several items for my journal that I’m currently putting together for a swap.  

Then on to Bass Pro Shop.  Of course I had to buy more tackle.  I bought items to put in Luther’s Christmas stocking.  

I could spend a hot minute in the fishing department.  I need to keep notes on what we need so I don’t buy excess of tackle we already have.

Enjoy looking at their displays. I should have taken more pictures but didn’t unfortunately.   Seems like I always see something new and different. 

We ate at Texas Roadhouse and is was so good. I got the beef tips and loaded mash potatoes.  
I enjoyed spending time outside of work with the girls.  Hope we do this again at some point. 


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Homemade Wet Burritos

Hamburger meat, chopped onions and red enchilada sauce. 

Ingredients I used to make my version of wet burritos. 

I nearly forgot to take a picture of the burritos before we started eating.  I realize most cooks will put the enchilada sauce on top of burritos then put in oven.  I was going with fast and easy.  
Lately I haven’t been cooking much at all.  I need to start being more productive around the house.  Take some of 5he stress off Mr.C. As he does 99% of the cooking or we eat out. 


Blessing Box

This morning on the way to pick up our groceries I listened to my inner voice.  What I heard was pick up some food for the blessing box.  Who am I to deny that voice?  So I parked at Wal-Mart and bought some groceries.  I only spent $26.00.  Picked up quick and easy foods. Such as pasta and spaghetti sauce, ramen noodles, tuna pouches, box of tea bags, bread, 2 individual cereals, 2 green beans, 2 corn, 2 cans of raviolis, and hot dog sauce.  

This is the box before I put in my food.  It needed a little help as you can see.  I tend to forget about the blessing boxes we have around town.  The one I normally go to is near the high school.  My next paycheck I plan on putting together 4 gallon size ziplock bags with contents for a simple meal.  Such as spaghetti or chicken Alfredo.  Of course I think another loaf of bread and more ramen noodles just in case the boy comes back.  God has blessed me over and over.  Am greatly thankful that make I helped out someone else.

This is after I loaded my food into box.  Minus a loaf of bread.  A young boy maybe 7 or 8 years old came up and asked what I was doing.  I told him putting a few items into box.  He then said my momma needs a loaf of bread. Well here you go as I handed him the loaf of bread and a plastic Wal-Mart sack.  Just to let you know I never buy bread for the boxes but this morning again I listened to that voice and got the bread.  The young boy seen the ramen noodles and stated 5hey were his favorite.  What I will say about our encounter is it was meant to be.  I snapped my after photo and let him shop in the blessing box.  For me just knowing I was able to bless this boy with a few items literally made my day. 


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Dinner and swimming

We were invited to have dinner with Elizabeth and Charles on a Tuesday night.  Then everyone could go swimming.  Mr. C. And I didn’t swim.  We watched Lane and Landon splash around for awhile.  It was hot to say the least.  I really should have wore my bathing suit so I could have cooled down in the water. 

Everyone is having so much fun in the water. 

Brody and Lane playing water basketball.   
Dinner was so good they made ribs, fried okra, corn, pinto beans with jalapeños, baked potatoes.  Was one of the best meals I’ve had in a while.   
I’m greatly grateful that we can co-grandparent as well as we do.  It may have taken us several years to make peace, but we are finally in a good place.  Am looking forward to more joint family gatherings. 


Sunday, August 4, 2024

Meow Wolf Dallas Texas


Logan and I went to Meow wolf!

This blog will be picture overload.  Oh my gosh pinch me to make sure I’m not dreaming.  I had been wanting to go here since last year when they opened.  Finally made it and it was everything I imagined it would be like.  

One of my favorite areas was the room of refrigerator doors. Taking us into a different dimension.  I wish I had taken more pictures of what was in each refrigerator area.  

This was in the camper area.

The sink area of the camper area. 

The dance area. I didn’t attempt to hula hoop because that would have been a hysterical moment for me.  

I think this was located by getting on a elevator either R1pr R 2.. So much to see and lots of interactions. 

This is the beginning of the unreal world.  

We bought the 3D glasses but they wasn’t needed. What I do know is I would like to go back and spend more time.  I would take lots more pictures and do more of the interactive activities.  I would definitely like to see the other Meow Wolfs.  It was so worth the $50.00 ticket price. If you get a chance to go do it you will not be disappointed.