Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Budget planning


I haven’t blogged about budgeting in quite a while. Today I will be sharing some new and  old changes in my budget. 

I’m excited to focus on my finances for the last quarter of 2024, including setting a budget that aligns with my priorities and avoids over spending on gifts. 

I’m proud to have started my 401(k) and Roth plans, and I’m committed to contributing 10% and 5% respectively. Well, it may require some adjustments. I’m confident that I can manage my disposable income and maintain a tight budget to achieve my financial goals. 

Have started back using my cash envelope system. Which helps me stay on track with my expenses. I am prioritizing my emergency fund, Car, maintenance and medical expenses. I have not been current with saving my cash, Today is the day to get it started. 

We are trying to cook more homemade meals.  That’s a struggle for us in several ways. Mr.C. Isn’t in great health and standing for a period of time really hurts him.  He has been using our air fryer more and more.  I also have been trying to find crockpot meals to throw in before work.  

Our monthly grocery and household budget is $400.00.  If we run out of dairy, produce and fruits I pick up when I get paid.  So add another $100.00 to that figure. This total doesn’t include our fast food budget. Honestly I am not sure how much goes to eating out. Especially with the price of food rising everyday. Can you believe 18 eggs are now $5.57.  Yikes!   

I’ve had to take a step back from shopping online.  I found myself spending money on items that I really didn't need. This money would be better used going to my emergency fund.  Am working on putting back money for 3 months of bills.  My goal is to have 6 months of bill money put back for life’s emergencies. I have a binder with clear envelopes in it.  I have an envelope for each household bill with the projected amount I need for my goal.

I also pack my work lunch everyday.  Normally take leftovers or something easy such as sandwiches or homemade adult snack packs.  I like Turkey pepperoni, cheese cubes, crackers and grapes.  I also like pinwheels.  My lunch is only 30 minutes long, so I prefer quick lunches. 

This is just a few ways I am trying to figure out my budget and not overspend.  What ways do you save money for your budget? 

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