Thursday, June 6, 2024

Electric & Water Well issues



Nothing like having to call an electrician out because you have no water.  Mr. C. first called a nice young fellow out and he was behind schedule but was able to patch the issue for the day.  
Then he called Ben (our dear neighbor) he came after work and got us in good working condition.  

So apparently we had a goffer that chewed thru our wires that ran electric to our water well.  I know for sure that we can’t go without water.  

So glad we got the electric back on.  So thankful that we had someone to call regarding the electric.  Hopefully this fix last us for several years.  
Being a homeowner can be a blessing till repairs are needed.  Then it can become quite expensive.  I try hard to keep a raining day fund saved.  As you never know what is going to happen. 

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