Saturday, June 1, 2024

Chickasha Okla Air Show 2024

Brenda asked me if I wanted to go to the air show and at first I said no thanks.  Then I called her back and said yes I will follow y’all up there.  So I left house at 8 am and met her at the intersection for Highway 81.  It’s about 25 minutes to the Chickasha Municipal Airport.

The signs were posted as we walked toward the activities.  Which was good to see as I wasn’t sure what to expect.  This was my first time to experience an air show. Or else I just don’t remember.  

The map was not wrong.. we walked all over the area.  As you can tell this post is over loaded with pictures.  I absolutely enjoyed all the sights to be seen.  People watching never grows boring for me. 

I had no ideal Chickasha had this bus. Definitely caught my eye.  You know they put some money into this  project. 

Caiden is autistic and did really good today.  I felt blessed he held my hand as we were walking.  He also had me carry his goodies he picked up from the assorted vendors. I myself enjoy the free koozies, ink pens,pad of paper and the squeeze balls.  

Jessica and Caiden trying to figure out our next direction to take.  We just let Caiden lead us.  What I liked was he wasn’t in a hurry.  So by letting him be in control that helped with him not being over stimulated.  We tended to stay away from large groups of people. 

How cute is this beetle? Caiden was intrigued by this car.  I liked how they placed the cars under the hood.  Made it stand out for sure especially to the younger ones. 

Was Ted a picture of the three of them. Would you believe I forgot to get one of me.  Should have taken a selfie in front of a smaller plane or something.

Purple corvette is beautiful! Purple is one of my favorite colors.  As we were getting finished with the car show area more of the antique cars started arriving. 

Caiden making a necklace at a kid friendly booth. 

Am glad I went and enjoyed the morning with family.  

This is special to us as Destry Horton is from Rush Springs and died fighting a fire.  He was well liked in our community.  He went back to try to save Larry Joe not realizing Larry Joe was already in truck.  Just a horrible situation. 

Did get to see many of our service men out and about this morning.  

How cute is this airplane?  It is show ready!  It was my favorite.  
Overall today was a great experience.   To sure why I haven’t been attending more air shows.  You can bet from this point on I will be attending more of these type of events.  I’m close to Fort Sill, Altus Air Force base and Tinker Air Force Base just to name a few.  Am sure they offer events as well.  Now I am on a mission to locate more fun days. 
If you see an event like this being held go enjoy it!  You will not regret it.  Life is to short not to be living life and enjoying outings with family and friends.  


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