Saturday, October 31, 2020

Happy Halloween!


Happy Halloween everyone! 

Who can resist our trick or treaters in their cute or spooky outfits?  Unfortunately due to us being in shut down mode due to Covid, we may miss out on seeing our regular children at our door.  Although I did go ahead and buy candy just in case a few shows up at our door.  Our porch light is on and so far not one trick or treater has came knocking.  I was so afraid of that happening tonight.  
I have Coraline playing on TV.  I liked that movie and bought the dvd so I can watch it anytime I choose.  I’m not a big fan of scary movies, just ask Mr. C.  But every now and then I will watch a dark and spooky movie.  

Here’s a list of some older movies I like to watch.

The nightmare before Christmas
Hocus Pocus
It’s the great pumpkin, Charlie Brown
The Addams family
Halloween 1978 
Practical magic

There is so many good movies to watch during Halloween. Do you have a favorite Halloween movie?
Let me know below so I can go check it out. Be safe out there on Halloween night.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Fall is here!


I am looking forward to fall.  
I am embracing fall with open arms! The crisp air & vibrant foliage bring me so much joy. The cozy atmosphere of fall has to be my favorite, and it inspires me to get creative in the kitchen. As the temperature drops, I delight in whipping up delicious meals and baked treats that warm the heart and soul. 
During week nights we tend to make casseroles, use the crockpot or make sheet pan dinners. I am all about one pot meals. The clean up is quick and easy. 
Do you have any favorite recipes you would like to share with me?  If so please drop them below in the comments. 

Sunday, July 19, 2020

My grand baby Kyndall

Baby Kyndall Mae

Had such a great time spending time with baby Mae Mae! Although I must say she is a busy bee.  I don’t think she ever stopped moving.  She had several toys And was happy.  Then she took a face towel and used it like a car and pushed it all over the dining room and kitchen floor.  Was so adorable.  I need to pick up some cars and trucks for the baby girl. 
Grumpy and Kyndall 


I am so in love with this little princess.  She makes my heart so full.  Her smile lights up the room.. Can’t wait to see her personality as she grows..  

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Brody’s Birthday

Birthday parties are so much fun! Brody turns 27 years old! Not having a large party but we are looking forward to celebrating.  We are being very cautious since the Covid 19.  Elizabeth and Charles  ( his mom and her friend) Alisha and Jonathan,  Ben and Sabrina and their son. Jackie came as well.   Of course Luther and I.  

Cake table turned out cute.  I went with red and black color theme. Was going with a whiskey and gun theme.  I bought a couple of  metal signs about guns.  Brody got a kick out of them.  I wanted decorations to be something he would enjoy. 
Whiskey bouquet 
Made a cool whiskey bouquet  using the miniature bottles.  I bought the beer mug and black rocks and bling ribbon from Dollar Tree.   I do believe Brody thought this was awesome!!

Beer cake 
Made his beer cake using a 18 case of Keystone beer.  Used ribbon and bows from Dollar Tree.  Then topped it with 1800 Tequila.  Then used a balloon as well.   Turned out better than I imagined. 
We grilled out had steaks, hamburgers, hot links, smoked sausage.  We also had potato salad, baked beans, jalapeño poppers, corn on the cob and pasta salad.  

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Jeep hair

My friend Sherry’s cute bright Jeep,  I had been wanting to go for a ride and today we made it happen.  So what I figured out about my self.. I didn’t feel secure in her Jeep with no doors.  Although it does have a wow factor.  Then the wind blowing my hair around was not my happy place.  Although if she ask me to go with her on any trips to lake this summer I’m all in! 

Had to stop to get filled up with gas for our adventure.  Sherry is Jessica’s mom. My daughter in law married to Blake.  I really do like Jessica’s parents. Am going to work on reaching out to them more. They sure treat Blake good.  Which means the world to me.  
Jeep hair the perfect way to end the evening on a Saturday night! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Happy Birthday Kyndall

Can't believe Kyndall is now one year old.  This little princess has this grandma's heart.  She is trying to walk.   She is still so tiny. 
We haven't plan a birthday party for yet due to Covid 19.  I know I'm ready for baby hugs.  Her daddy Trevor bought princess a princess tent.  I bought her diapers and a couple of toys, and several outfits for summer.   Once we have her party I will come back and add photos.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


We can definitely tell its spring time in Oklahoma.  The storm sirens went off and we went down to our neighbors to the cellar.  Listening to the hail hit we knew it was fairly large size.  When we got out we seen the hail and it was some of the largest I've seen.   I know several people had windshields broken out of their cars.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Wine anyone?

I am prepared to be quarantined!  I am a collector of wine apparently.  It has been my tradition to pick up a bottle on road trips with Aunt Kathy.  Just for the record I'm not a huge wine drinker at all.  I would rather have a crown and coke.   
Although I do believe  that the liquor stores will stay open during this global pandemic.  
We were caught off guard by everyone buying toilet paper.  WHY? But there is no e to be found in the stores.  We have been buying a package if we find it.    At this point I would rather have food than toilet paper.  Walmart is totally out of food.  I ne er thought I would see this day.  I remember my moms talking about shelves being empty.  WoW it sure came about.  I've read so many post apoloptic books but never in my life time did I think it would happen.  
This is a huge wakeup for us.  We need to be prepared.  If things get back to normal I plan on having a two week working pantry.  I do not want to worry about food or lack of food ever again. 

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Kyndall Mae swinging

My sweet granddaughter is growing up so fast.  It's hard to believe she was a little over 2 pounds when born.  My heart is full of love  for this little princess.  Kyndall is my youngest son Trevor's daughter.  Kyndall Mae is a precious baby girl.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Empty Shelves

Seeing these empty shelves is scary.  
No toilet paper to be found anywhere.  What the heck is going on with everyone mass buying ass wipe?  I am grateful we have a package that we bought last week.  We can make that stretch till I can buy another package.  I’m trying not to freak out over here in small town Oklahoma.  
I am not sure about this Covid 19 but it seems that is all we are hearing on news.  Should I be very afraid of this virus?  What if I carry it in to Mr. C?  He isn’t in the best health and only had 1 1/2 lung.   His health is to fragile to fight something this devastating.  
Then I remember that God is in control.  I will pray and pray for peace and that this virus goes away soon.   God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. 

Friday, March 13, 2020

Target beauty box 2020

Target beauty box
This was my first beauty box from Target.  I loved the top end products that they sent me.   
The cost for the box was $7.00.  It was definitely worth the money.  Nexus shampoo & conditioner, cetaphil daily facial cleanser, Schmidt`s deodorant, dry shampoo by Not Your Mothers and Thayers facial mist.
I can't wait to try everything they sent.   I also will be signing up for the next beauty box.  Great products as well as being name brand. 

Sunday, March 8, 2020

Diamond painting

My first diamond painting!   My co~worker Amanda has been doing these diamond painting at work.  I thought that it looked interesting so I ordered me some.  At work we can do these between calls.  She says it calms her nerves.  I have several ordered but they are o.n the slow boat from China. 
Now I want all the accessories to the diamond painting.  So I order off  Wish.  Its going to take forever for it to get to Oklahoma.  
Has anyone done any diamond paintings?  Do you enjoy doing them? 
I am keeping my beads in ziplock bags.  I really need to look into other storage ideals.  

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Losing a dear friend

Michael  Rest in peace.  
Michael and I gave been friends since 2000 if not before.  I found out today he had passed from his brother Bryan.  My heart is broken.  Yes I knew he was dealing with Cancer but never thought he would pass.  
Back in the day I would have done anything Michael asked or needed.  He was my best friend for many years.  I loved him and his son Trevor along with his parents.   Michael  rest high with the Angel's.  You will be greatly missed. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2020


Clifford and grandma 
I'm so happy to have Clifford along with my other grandchildren in my life!  Just holding this baby in my arms brings me much joy to my
 Heart.   Michelle and Aaron gave no ideal how happy they make me.