Sunday, March 9, 2025

Three Appleteers

Cherrie came across a delightful store on TikTok, that offers candid apples and peach pies. It also offers drinks as well. 

The tea cup inspired boost design is a lovely touch. The vibrant colors of the booths make the area look more festive.

Cherrie hates for me to take her picture, but I still do.  I did not know till today that she was a big Alice in Wonderland fan.  We have been friends for years.   I also have always enjoyed Alice in Wonderland so coming here was a great plan. 

They sure had a great vision when they put this store together. Wish I had taken more pictures of the store. 

I enjoyed looking at the decorations.  Everything just flowed together. Not sure who had this vision but they hit it out of the ballpark. 

Cute tea and coffee station.

The Alice in Wonderland theme is skillfully executed, creating a whimsical and charming atmosphere. 

The strawberry wafer candied apple  was both sweet and electable. Additionally, I bought a caramel peach pie that was indulgently sweet.
As a small family owned business, The Appleteers is likely to outgrow its current location soon.Notably, the store was filled to capacity during my Sunday visit. 


Sunday, March 2, 2025

March is here!

March is here in full swing.  I have started making plans for road trips and fun outings.  I am determined to keep exploring fun things in Oklahoma.  
Tic Toc has been a great source of unique things to see in OKC.  I have sent several ideals to my BFF Cherrie so we can see what interest us the most. Many might involve drinks and food. 
The Crimson Melt is a foodie grill cheese and Milkshake experience.  The food looks so yummy.  I can’t wait to try Mckinnley Mint Chip. (Mint Cookie Crumble) mint ice cream, whipped cream, mint cookie crumbs. I think that could be my new favorite.
Sherri’s Diner it has a 1960 vibe with the nostalgic decor complete with a jukebox.  This is going to be a fun place to eat and enjoy a jukebox.
We may not do everything on my list, but helps us to figure out fun places to go. I am all about doing different kinds of places. My life is pretty simple so am wanting to do a few interesting things each month. 
Am ready to see the flowers bloom and sit out under the starry night. Want to enjoy what spring brings us. 


Saturday, March 1, 2025

Mr C’s 61st birthday party

Happy birthday to my love.  He is born on leap year.  Mr.C doesn’t really enjoy the limelight on himself.  I like giving him a special day for all he does for me. 

We got him great gifts.  Alisha and Jonathan got him Hey Dudes. Brody and Savannah got him a small tackle box & gift card.  Elizabeth & Charles got him some moonshine from their last cruise. I ordered him a larger tackle box. 

We grilled steaks, hotdogs, hamburgers for the occasion.  Also made potato salad, baked beans, and pineapple upside cake.

I had been wanting to make this cake for awhile. I had forgot how easy it was to make. 

Alisha loves her daddy.

Brody had bought his dad a triple chocolate birthday cake.  It was so good. 


Friday, February 21, 2025

Leaving for Watford City North Dakota!

I am so excited about going to Watford City ND!  Can’t wait to see the newest grandchild Liam.  Kyndall sure has missed her Nana. 
I got to airport 2 hours early like it says to do.  I think I could have got there only a hour ahead and been just fine.  But I didn’t want to risk not getting to my destination.  

I always take a picture of where my vehicle is parked.  I remember years ago of parking at Denver’s airport parking and not finding car for 30 minutes or so.  Was on wrong level.  I vowed then that I would not do that again.  Some life lessons we have to learn the hard way. 

My layover is in Minneapolis.  When I seen how huge the airport was from the plane I got scared I wouldn’t make the connecting flight.  Thank goodness the gate was only 2 gates from where I debarked.  My layover was only 30 minutes so it could have been pretty intense if the new gate was on opposite side of the airport.   The plane was so small, as Mr. C would say a sardine can.  The one good thing is this flight was not full.  My seat ate Ricardo was extremely nice and we had a great visit.  He also was going to visit his grandchildren. As many of you might know I never meet a stranger. 
The best part of the trip is Trevor and Mellissa took Kyndall out of school and surprised both of us.  I was so happy to see everyone. 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Brooks 4 th birthday party

Nana with birthday boy.  Brooks had such a good time at his party.  More people showed up than expected. He had a great turnout.  Nana and papa bought him a RC truck and a medium size nerf gun. He requested the nerf gun.  Am glad he received several more nerf guns.  That made Brooks very happy.

Daddy Blake and Brooks playing a game.

Nana Sharon and big brother Logan

Nana and Logan

Brittany’s two boys.

Brittany and Hattie

I ordered an extra large supreme pizza (my favorite pizza) Their pizza isn’t half bad.  Jessica had ordered cute cupcakes as well.  I really enjoyed visiting with everyone.  I also ran into an old friend Ray and his family celebrating his grandchild’s 5th birthday. 


Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day


My husband out did himself this year for Valentines Day.  I was extremely surprised by my flowers and candy bouquet.  I am not going to lie it brought tears to my eyes.  I know Mr.C. Loves me by everything he does for me. This though was unexpected and I was in disbelief by his generosity.  

Valentine’s Day is all about love.  Today my heart beat a little faster and I could feel the love my husband has for me.  He had already bought me a red Keurig for Valentine’s Day as mine had stopped working several days ago.  

Love my stuffed puppy, we have named him puppy love.  💗 💗  The candy bouquet even had a small balloon in it along with chocolates, nuts, gummies and chips. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Rejected job offer


I received my rejected email on WFM workforce coordinator today.  I am very grateful to have had the experience to interview for the position.  I did a decent interview. Was proud of myself for taking a jump and going outside my comfort zone. 

I will say the hours would have been different for me as they are 10am till 7pm, with no chance of that changing.  That would be an issue with me wanting to do things with grandchildren in evenings.  But if I had got the job I would have made it all work out.  

My biggest takeaway is never just settle.  If a job opening comes up and you’re interested fill out that application. What do you have to lose by taking a chance?  In future if there is any openings somewhere else that catches my attention you better believe I will fill out that application form.  

Although to tell you the truth I do love my department and my manager Sherry.  Plus the pay is pretty darn decent.  Working at a call center can be very stressful but in all reality what job isn’t stress free?